Friday, January 29, 2010

me & mother nature are not on speaking terms ...

So the weather here is really really really poopy (poopy being a technical term). We have cold, wind, snow & ice & well non of those make for fun outdoor runs & we both love our outdoor runs. SO Wednesday night we were forced inside. Now our gym here on base is pretty nice, lots of machines all with individual TVs ... they do take care of us but there are certain times of the day when the gym should be avoided, that time being when Hannah who decided she "needed" to go & get a big girl job because bar tending at chili's wasn't the career path she had in mind (so inconsiderate) finishes work.

So the decision was made to do our 6 miles inside Wednesday night but the only available machines were the elliptical. I think with a little pushing Hannah could have politely removed a couple of individuals from their tread mills (especially the fat old dude walking in the corner) but no we made it through 6 miles of a cross between running & stepping. Plus side being we didn't freeze to death & it gave my poor abused knees a day off. Plus cross training is something neither of us enjoys so being forced to do it occasionally isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Yesterday was 3 mile day again ... so having found that i can handle 30 minutes on the tread mill (this time with good ol' Dr Phil for company) i made it through my 3 mile run in a little under 10 minute mile pace, happy, warm & a little sweater. I feel i should inform you all here that i am one of those lucky individuals who turns a bright tomato red when i run ... it doesn't matter the time of the year, or how far & even after I've showered my face is still all kinds of "flushed".

& so thanks to the weather & our wonderful hubby's work schedules (these are the times when being a military wife sucks ass) we are trying to fit a long run in somewhere over the next few days & hopefully the predicted storm will disappear & spring suddenly pop up from nowhere. Before you know it we will be running through fields of brightly coloured flowers & joyful lambs ... OK possible a little exaggeration but it would be nice to run without wearing 20 layers of clothing!

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